Dog Breeds & Dog Training : How to House-Train Adult Dogs

Click Here For Available Barkbox Coupon Code and Bonus Offers! <<<<< House-training an adult dog requires crate-training and plenty of positive reinforcement for desired behavior. Prevent an adult dog from having accidents in the house with information from a certified dog behaviorist in this free video on dog breeds. Expert: Eric Dorfman Bio: Eric Dorfman […]

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Quick And Simple Dog Training Strategies

Possessing a dog being a animal could be a very rewarding encounter, however, when a pet dog is inexperienced, it may quickly become a stressful a single. Any dog can be qualified with a bit of perseverance and also the right techniques to teach your pet to follow along with no less than several basic instructions, can certainly make you and the animal more happy and less dangerous. This post can help you plus your canine to start working together to accomplish some basic training.

Medical Marijuana Doctor Inquiry

Blog posts : "mmj"

Change of Caregiver to Comply with New Law

There is some confusion in  the air regarding the new law changes effective August 1st, 2010.  In the past ONLY individuals could be caregivers.  What is a caregiver?  A caregiver is a person who grows your marijuana for you.  With the new law, dispensaries are now referred to as "medical marijuana centers."  Medical Marijuana Centers can now be listed as caregivers, whereas in the past only "individuals" could be listed as "caregivers" (not businesses).   In the past dispensaries had you list "an individual" that represented the dispensary as your caregiver.  With the new law, individuals (or caregivers) are limited to 5 patients, so you MUST UPDATE YOUR FORM to reflect the Medical Marijuana Center rather than the individual that represented the dispensary as your caregiver to comply with the new law changes.  Once again, the "medical marijuana center" must now be listed as your caregiver, instead of the individual that represented the dispensary in the past.  The new forms have clarified that you can grow your own plants PLUS list a medical marijuana center as your caregiver.   To comply with the law changes stop by and update your state form at Mile High Medical Cannabis located at 1705 North Federal Blvd., Denver, CO  80204   (directly across from Mile High Stadium - Invesco Field) on the corner of 17th and Federal Blvd. If you have questions please call us at (303) 455-9333.

Added to our existing selection this morning are some excellent strains of very high quality medical marijuana which are fresh in from curing, some of which have been proposed as cannabis cup contenders:  Big Budda Kush, Maui Hash Plant, Blue Widow Hash Plant, Blue Mist, Train Wreck, White Rhino, and Mango.

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V.A. Accepts Marijuana

Veterans can now obtain medical marijuana, in States with Medical Marijuana laws,  without fear of telling their V.A. Dr. 

Click Here to get the full story on this policy change by the Veteran's Administration, a branch of the Federal Government, which has many marijuana activists cheering since the Federal Government has completely failed to acknowledge the medical benefits of marijuana.....  at least publicly.  Even though the Federal Government did file patent # 6,630,507 stating that cannabinoids were effective in treating and preventing a wide variety of diseases.  The patent is assigned to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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Marijuana Quotes

Spread the word.  Share the video.   Watch all the way to the end..... for great news!

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Marijuana Myth - Marijuana Harms Have Been Scientifically Proven

In 1995, based on thirty years of scientific research, editors of the highly respected and well regarded British medical journal "The Lancet" concluded that "the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health."

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Seniors Support Marijuana

From choking on food, thoughts of suicide, pain from advanced stage multiple sclerosis, and inability to sleep, a retired nurse, living in a retirement community says "there are good people out there who need marijuana."  The retirement community created their own marijuana garden.  "Marijuana is the ONLY thing that helped me from constant pain says another resident of the retirement community."   The Seniors are ready for a fight!  For them marijuana means freedom from a life of pain, and freedom from addictive and lethal pain pills.

Denver medical marijuana dispensary

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Marijuana - Cancer Cure?

Many people think that when talking about cancer and marijuana it is only good for treating nausea and pain, while increasing sleep and appetite, and enhancing the mood of the patient.   However, there is scientific evidence that marijuana significantly reduces the spread of cancer.  A Harvard study released on April 17, 2007 shows that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread!

Researchers at Harvard tested the chemical THC in both lab and mouse studies. They say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, THC actually activates naturally produced receptors to fight off lung cancer. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

Although a medical substitute of THC, known as Marinol, has been used as an appetite stimulant for cancer patients and other similar treatments, few studies have shown that THC might have anti-tumor activity.

*HERE IS THE INTERESTING PART* The only clinical trial testing THC as a treatment against cancer growth was a recently completed British pilot study. For three weeks, researchers injected standard doses of THC into mice that had been implanted with human lung cancer cells, and found that tumors were reduced in size and weight by about 50 percent in treated animals compared to a control group. There was also about a 60 percent reduction in cancer lesions on the lungs in these mice as well as a significant reduction in protein markers associated with cancer progression.

And the good news gets even better.  Watch the Phil Simpson story.  Phil has been successfully treating patients with marijuana (hemp, cannabis) .

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420 4:20 4/20 4-20

Today is April, 20th which is a day of celebration for marijuana enthusiasts, and activists the world over.  There will be rallies and smoke-outs across the country at parks, campuses, and steps leading to government buildings.  In Denver at Civic Center Park there will be speakers and live entertainment through out the day starting at 9:00am.  The National Director of NORML  (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) will speak at Civic Center Park in Denver.  Click here for the schedule of events at the 420 rally in Denver.

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Today We Lost a Legend

Jack Herer  (June 18, 1939 – April 15, 2010) passed away today.  Jack was a hardworking marijuana activist, published Author of two books "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" and "Grass", a Public Speaker, and a man who had a strain of marijuana named after him "Jack Herer".  He's been featured in High Times magazine and graced their cover on several occasions.   As if that wasn't enough he also ran for President of the U.S. twice, once in  1988, and again in 1992.  Jack died at age 70 from complications of a heart attack he had approximately 7 months earlier.  He is survived by his wife Jeannie who was often by his side in his endeavors. 

This is a pretty cool quote from Jordan Westfall regarding Jack

"He aint dead.  He just became a God.  He'll still be there.  Just not as a mortal. Sitting next to jesus hitting a blunt bigger than his head looking at Buddah saying "see dude my shit is better than yours" and Morrison laughing his head off. While Garcia is asking "so.... when are we all going back for this apocalypse thing?"

RIP Jack Herer 

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Colorado Medical Marijuana Applications Could Be Shredded!

The Colorado Department of Public Health has been inundated with applications for Medical Marijuana ID cards.  In fact they are getting up to 1,000 applications DAILY!   Effective April 1, 2010 there are some changes taking place.  They REALLY want to receive new applications via mail.  In fact if you do hand deliver your application it MUST be in a SEALED envelope, and will NOT be processed with the mail that arrives that day.  (in other words it won't speed up the process if you hand deliver it).  They REALLY want it in an envelope!   And NO they do not have envelopes for you.  The next sentence is directly from the horses mouth...    If it is delivered without an envelope it can be "handed back to the applicant or SHREDDED!"   YIKES!

OK.  OK.  We understand.  Mail it.  Get a receipt for mailing it - such as certified mail, or registered mail, or fedex signature required etc.   (because they are overwhelmed and MAY lose it - Plus you need that proof of mailing in your possession along with your application to be "legal" ).   

Your license, or denial letter may take 6 months to arrive.  Although they are receiving approximately $90,000 daily in revenue, they apparently haven't hired anyone to  help process the applications.   Below is the notice from the Dept. of Health.

Medical Marijuana Registry Procedures for Drop-off Applications to Change

DENVER -- The Medical Marijuana Registry at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is making changes in processing applications at its Vital Records Office at 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South in Denver. Effective April 1, the walk-up window at the Vital Records Office will accept medical marijuana applications only in sealed envelopes and will not provide receipts or review applications for completeness at the time they are dropped off.

The changes are necessary due to the explosive growth in the number of medical marijuana applications during the past six months. The number of medical marijuana registry applications increased from approximately 270 per workday in August 2009 to approximately 1,000 per workday in February 2010. Most of these applications continue to be received by mail. This has led to a significant backlog, with increasing lag times between the date of application and the date when a registration card actually reaches the applicant. The turnaround time for applications now is approaching six months.

Currently, walk-in applicants for the medical marijuana registry have their applications reviewed for completeness by Vital Records staff. The result is that walk-in applicants are having their applications reviewed ahead of mail-in applications that continue to flow into the Vital Records office each day. The change in walk-in application processing will permit staff to focus on reducing the backlog of applications being received by mail.

"The new processing procedures are the best means we have available for serving all medical marijuana registry applicants," said Bob O'Doherty, director of the Center for Health and Environmental Information and Statistics at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

The department was granted additional spending authority from the state Legislature for this fiscal year and has added temporary staff to help process the backlog of applications. Currently the department is requesting spending authority for fiscal year 2010-11 to add permanent staff to process the large volume of medical marijuana applications that continue to add to the backlog. If approved by the Legislature, the new staff could be added beginning in July.

Effective April 1, the Medical Marijuana Registry will implement the following procedures at the Vital Records service window at 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South:

1. Only sealed envelopes will be accepted. Documents that are not in a sealed envelope will be handed back to the applicant or shredded. Envelopes are not available on-site. If you need an envelope, please purchase one prior to arriving.

2. Receipts will not be available at the service window. If you need a receipt to provide proof of mailing to the Registry, please mail the envelope via certified or registered mail (or similar method) so that you receive a proof of delivery receipt from the Post Office.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to mail their application packets to the department at CDPHE Vital Records, 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. S., Denver, CO  80246.

3. Questions should be directed to the Medical Marijuana Registry information phone  number, 303-692-2184, or to the Medical Marijuana Registry information e-mail address, Staff will not be available at the Vital Records service window to address questions.

4. Packets received at the window will be processed along with the mail received for that date. Dropping off an application does NOT speed the delivery of the registration card.

5. Copying services are not available on-site. If you need a copy of the materials, please make these prior to arriving.

6. Notary services are not available on-site. If you need a signature notarized, please do so prior to arriving.

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9 blog posts

Big Pharma Vs. Marijuana

Rick Simpson Hemp Oil

War on Drugs - Comedy Style

Marijuana Health Facts

Hemp Car & Hemp Building

Marijuana Parody

Prohibition Effects

Marijuana Does Not Cause Lung Cancer

History of Marijuana

History of Marijuana II