In Five Thousand years of marijuana use, there has not been one death. However, every year acetaminophen poisoning results in 100,000 calls to poison control centers, 56,000 emergency room visits, 26,000 hospitalizations, and more than 450 deaths from liver failure.
What is Acetaminophen? Tylenol is Acetaminophen among other brand names. Marijuana is Safer than Tylenol and the other brand names of acetaminophen. The LEADING cause of acute liver failure in the U.S. is not alcohol abuse, nor viral hepatitis. The number one reason Americans suffer acute liver failure is a drug the FDA has allowed to be sold for decades after its lethal toxicities were known.
The FDA has bent over backwards to protect billions of dollars of profits earned annually by pharmaceutical companies who sell this deadly drug. As the body count mounted in 2009, the FDA was forced to mandate a lower dosage and remove it from prescription combinations that were particularly lethal.

When acetaminophen is ingested a rapid depletion of glutathione in the liver occurs. The result of glutathione depletion is free radical destruction of liver cells. A scientist suggested to a supplement company that they produce a combination product that probably eliminate virtually all acetaminophen related acute deaths. It is a very long story, but the short version is this: The FDA prohibits combining existing drugs and dietary supplements unless a New Drug Application is filed, tens of millions of dollars of clinical studies are performed, and the FDA agrees to allow the combination to be sold. The process can cost upwards of $100 million and take a decade to complete. EVEN if both of the ingredients that would go into the new drug are sold "over the counter". So by bureaucratic edict, a safer form of acetaminophen never made it to market.
Mile High Medical Cannabis is a Denver Medical Marijuana Dispensary
providing Medical Marijuana to Medical Marijuana Patients.