FACT: Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug. If marijuana was a gateway drug, use of harder drugs would be a much more massive problem than it is. It is estimated that over 83 million people in the US have smoked marijuana.

Obviously people drink soda because they choose to drink soda. Not because milk led them to drink soda. The same is true for cannabis and hard drugs. People who use hard drugs choose to use hard drugs, not because marijuana made them seek out something stronger, but because that is a choice they make.
While some research shows that many hard drug users used cannabis or
alcohol before moving on to the harder substances, other research shows
that some serious drug abusers have used other drugs before using
cannabis or alcohol.
The former is particularly evident in individual drug-abuse histories
which tend to show that "hard drug" users tend to jump from drug to drug, or progress from one drug to
another. When you take into account that less than 1% of marijuana smokers use harder drugs the gateway theory is further eroded.
on San Francisco vs. Amsterdam
In 2004, a study comparing cannabis users in San Francisco to those
in Amsterdam was done to test the effects of the differing drug policies
in the two cities on drug use patterns. The Netherlands has a drug
policy of decriminalization in which cannabis can be bought by adults
over 18 in quasi-legal "coffee shops" and used publicly, while in the
United States cannabis is criminalized and must be bought in the black market (often from the same dealers that
sell hard drugs) and used "underground". The results found that,
compared with their counterparts in Amsterdam the San Francisco cannabis
users were significantly more likely to use cocaine, crack,
amphetamines, ecstasy, and opiates despite similar cannabis use patterns
and a more permissive drug policy in the Netherlands. One plausible explanation is that the black market itself acts as a
gateway to harder drugs, as opposed to the effects of cannabis.
Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug. 99% of marijuana use is by people who only use marijuana because they choose to only use marijuana. In fact, it would be much easier to hide the use of most of the harder drugs because they don't smell, are much easier to hide, simpler to use, quicker to use, and often times easier to get. Pop an Oxycontin - it takes 2 seconds, there is NO smell, it's easy to conceal, there is no rolling, you don't have to wait for the vaporizer to warm up, you can get a script so if you are searched you are totally legal. Yet people CHOOSE to use marijuana - because they know it is LESS harmful if they are using recreationally, and can be more helpful if they are using medically.
Mile High Medical Cannabis is a Denver Medical Marijuana Dispensary
providing Medical Marijuana to Medical Marijuana Patients.